Invicta Pride of Kent Banner DedicationAn early morning trip to the Chatham District
Masonic Hall in Manor Road Chatham and the first meeting at 8:15amwas Kent
Consistory Scarlet Cord for no less than 7companions taking the preparation
ceremony. There followed a delightful full english breakfast of a
standard unrivalled in Kent masonry, our thanks to Ian and the team
for a splendid repast.
In the 2nd of two meetings this morning, Invicta Pride of Kent, (the
lowest number Arch of Steel unit in the Order), had their banner
dedicated in front of over 40 Brethren by the former PGSR, R.Wy.Bro
Peter Wise.
Designed and hand-made by our current
PSGR, R.Wy.Bro Kevin Johnson this banner has special significance
to the unit and whole Province and will be treasured by current and
future generations for years to come.
The Arch of Steel was well represented by their
Commander Pip Neville and a host of Provincial Officers accompanied
the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, R Wy Bro Kevin Johnson into the Conclave.
Past Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, R Wy Bro Peter Wise officiated at
the dedication of the banner as it was originally scheduled before the
COVID-19 pandemic but had to be deferred.